Copy Flow Feature
This feature allows you to copy flows on a map.
This is useful when you want to show the same flow content:
- going to and/or from more than one "side part" (e.g. Boundary or Store)
- going through the Central Process, for example between two Boundaries
One special feature is that the flow direction can be reversed during the copy (that is reversed with respect to going into or out of the Central Process.)
This is easier to understand after you have created maps and worked with flows.
(Work in progress, just the images and comments for now.)
See the end of this page or click here to see the new "Copy Flow Thru" feature.
The feature is activated when you click on a flow on the Map, or on a row select button for a flow on the List.
Use of Ctrl and Shift during Drag Move of a Flow will cause a Copy
If you hold down the Control Key (Ctrl) before starting to drag a flow, it will perform a Copy Flow (same).
If you hold down the Control Key AND Shift Key (Ctrl + Shift) before starting to drag a flow, it will perform a Copy Flow (reverse).
This requires distinctly pressing Control and/or Shift before starting the drag.
**NEW** - "Copy Flow Thru" Feature
This feature allows you to connect Flows from between Boundaries, Stores, Side-Processes and Sub-Processes using "Connector Codes" appended to the Flow labels
- with four quick mouse or key actions.
The function starts when you select a Flow. You will see an additional Flow Row Menu Item "Copy Flow Thru". This Row Menu item can be selected either by clicking on the item or by pressing on the (lowercase) "T".
That action displays the the Place Menu, as shown below.
Please note that the Place Menu items can now be selected by pressing the keys 1, 2, 3 or 4.
The Place Menu entries have the same meaning as with the other Copy Flow functions described above (please see that above for more detail.)
- Selecting 1 or 2 will highlight the Flows on the page as "Copy To" targets.
- Selecting 3 or 4 will highlight the Boundaries, Stores, Side Processes and Sub-Processes as "Copy To" targets.
In either case, when you click on one of the highlighted Parts (i.e. the "second selected part" or "copy to target"):
1. A new Flow is copied to that location.
2. The label of the first selected Flow is copied to the label of the new Flow.
3. The Part Number of the Part that the new Flow is connected to (Boundary, Store, Side-Process or Sub-Process) is appended to the label of the first selected Flow, in abbreviated form (with the "middle" zeros removed.)
5. The Part Number of the Part that the first selected Flow is connected to is appended to the label of the new Flow.
This shows that the Flow goes through or into the Central Process to connect with another "side part" or with a sub-process.
Note that If the "Copy Flow Thru" target (the second selection) is a Sub-Process, the new Flow is not created.
Note that if the first selected Flow is "one way" to or from the Central Process, the copied Flow will have the reversed direction. If the first selected Flow is "two way", the copies Flow will also be "two way"
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