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Please note this system requirement:
The application requires the use of the Chrome browser on desktops and laptops running Windows 7+ or Mac OS, and is optimized for these screen resolutions: 1366x768, 1600x900, and 1920x1080. The browser window needed to be opened to full size (or nearly full size).
Quick Start
This page takes you through the steps from
▪ right after initial login to
▪ the addition of two rows of information in the List (right hand side of the page) which automatically includes the addition of the first Map graphic (left hand side of page), as shown in the illustration below.
Quick Start
Session Administration Page |
▪ After completing login, the application goes to the Session Administration page, shown below. ▪ Click on the "Create Session" button. |
Session Description |
A window will open for capturing a description of the Session. ▪ Enter the fields you want to use (only "Title" is required) and click on the "Save" button. |
The new Session will appear as a highlighted row in the list of Sessions. ▪ Click on the Action menu on the left side of the row. ▪ That opens the row menu for the Session. ▪ Then click on the "Open, Join and Start Session" menu item. |
A row menu will appear, as shown below. Select the "Open, Join and Start Session" option.
Join Session |
The Join Session window will open. ▪ This allows a review of Session information before joining. ▪ If you are satisfied with the information, click on the "Join Session" button at the top of the window. |
Session Main Page |
This takes you to the Session Main Page, and the first Activity. ▪ The first Activity is to provide the name of the general area of interest (called the "Map and Plan Area") that you will be focusing on in the Session. ▪ Suggested areas for your first Session: ▪ Your job, or an activity within your job ▪ A familiar process, such as buying a piece of furniture ▪ The company or department that you work with ▪ A project that you are working on |
Row Selector |
Click on the row button at the left side of the highlighted row (the "row selector"). This shows the row menu. |
Edit/Rename |
Click on the "Edit/Rename" menu item (or press "E"). This shows an "add row". Note the instruction at the top of the page. |
Type in the name of the area that you are going to focus on, and click the Accept button. You can also tab to the Accept button and press return. |
Review the updated row. If you are satisfied, click on the "Go To Next Activity" button. |
Capture/Edit Map Central Process Name |
That takes you to the next Activity, "Capture/Edit Map Central Process Name". A row for adding the Central Process name appears. The Central Process graphic also appears in the Map Panel. |
Edit |
Now continue with the same steps as in the previous Activity. Click on the row selector button for the highlighted row. Select the "Edit" action. |
Edit the row text and click on the accept button |
Go to Next Activity |
After completing that, click on the "Go to Next Activity". ▪ Continue performing each Activity ▪ Follow the instructions provided with each Activity. ▪ That will take you through the entire Session Main Cycle. |
Activity Help |
At any point you can use the "Activity Help" button, which provides help for the current activity. |
Quick Help |
If you HOVER on the Activity Help button, it will show a "Quick Help" panel for the current Activity. |
I f you CLICK on the Activity Help button, it will show a Help page from the ActionMap Support site that describes the current Activity. |
Sample Help Page |
Important Quick Start Notes |
Close Menus and Cancel List Row Operations
Drag and Drop |
Drag and Drop uses particular "Drop Targets". These are areas on the Map that: ▪ are highlighted in yellow when the cursor passes over them If there is no yellow highlighting, the drop does not occur. This ensures that Map Parts are only added in their correct locations. |
And since this is a relatively new application...
If the Application Seems Stuck |
(which, after hundreds of hours of testing, we hope never happens)
Known Anomalies Page (things that need a little more help)
Suggested Next Pages
Major Features of the Application
Subscriber Login (link to the "Initial Login Guide" page)
Help Table of Contents
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